E-Mail Set-Up

Server Settings

Username: This is your full SenText email address.
Password: The password that was issued to you.
Incoming Server: mail.sentextsolutions.com
Outgoing Server: mail.sentextsolutions.com
IMAP Port: 143
POP3 Port: 110
SMTP Port: 26
Authentication is required for IMAP, POP3, and SMTP.

Click the plus below for specific device setup.

Add an E-Mail Signature


Hit this icon and it should create a dropdown of choices. But since you haven't made a signature yet it should only say "Signatures" Click that.


Hit New and write (Name / Company Position / SenText / p: Phone number / w: www.sentextsolutions.com / e: Email)

You can also Copy and paste someone else's Signature from a email that you have receive from a Sentext employee (Graphics/Merchant support) and fill in your information. Make sure you grab the Sentext Logo and Orange line when Highlighting the Signature to Copy.

P.s. You will need to copy the signature before you open up the signature screen.